Clubhouse International, Clubhouse Europe and Fountain House are coordinating efforts to monitor the status
of the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak so we can share vital information with our community and will
continue to do so over the coming weeks and months. We understand that this epidemic strikes directly at the
heart of our model that is built on social connection, but we must make difficult decisions quickly, as the
choices we make in the next week will have a significant impact on the speed and scale of spread of this virus,
especially within our tightly knit and more vulnerable Clubhouse communities.
Social distancing is critical for curbing the pandemic. Most importantly, that means
Clubhouses around the world must prepare action plans for decreasing on-site
programming, and possibly closing their physical locations to reduce the risk of transmission
for members and the broader community.
The time to act is NOW. We do not want Clubhouses to be in a position where they are
FORCED to close by their governments without a plan to remain connected and provide
essential services to their members.
What is the potential impact on members from COVID-19?
Many if not most of our community members are at elevated risk of more severe symptoms and of
complications from COVID-19 infection. That includes those over 60; members with chronic physical illnesses
such as respiratory disease, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and autoimmune diseases, and active smokers are
also at higher risk of developing more severe illness and complications. For everyone, the coronavirus
epidemic and related coverage can increase anxiety and stress, and so focusing on wellbeing is important,
including physical activity, healthy eating, and sleep.
What has been the impact on Clubhouses?
Global confirmed cases of COVID-19 now approach 150,000. The impact on Clubhouse programs that we know
about, in China, South Korea and Italy have been significant – resulting in Clubhouse closures and reduced
services that impact more than thousands of Clubhouse members.
What must Clubhouses do?
Clubhouses around the world are being asked to work with members and staff to devise action plans and
communications to mitigate the risks that possible disruption of services can lead to.
Considerations that must be taken in all decision-making should include impacts on:
Highest risk members
o Age >60 and/or
o Chronic respiratory illness (asthma, COPD, etc.)
o Cardiovascular disease (heart disease, heart failure, history of stroke)
Clubhouse – COVID-19 Message
As of March 15, 2020
o Diabetes
o Kidney disease
o Immune deficiency (autoimmune conditions, HIV, cancer)
Access to basic needs, such as food and hygiene supplies for members
Access to technology to ensure that members adequately stay connected without a physical gathering
Communications – how are members going to find out about changes to services and potential
closures? (e.g. email, social media, phone trees, home visits, etc.)
Mobile outreach – making sure to have precise physical addresses for all members. (e.g. not just P.O.
boxes, streets or apartment complexes)
Staffing – what will happen if essential staff become sick or are required to quarantine?
What are some practical examples of what Clubhouses are doing to communicate and reduce risk?
As an example, Fountain House has done the following:
Created a COVID-19 Task Force of members and staff that connects multiple times a week.
Create phased draw-down plan to reduce physical attendance at the Clubhouse and to increase 1:1
outreach and digital tools for connection; action plan created for Clubhouse closure and switch to
virtual services
Ensure that staff and peers doing 1:1 home visits, especially to high-risk members, have access to
masks and gloves (PPE – personal protective equipment), maintain meal delivery (meals on wheels)
and medication delivery and support.
Disseminated communications to members and staff in a structured, weekly format (printed sheets
following standard format, weekly meetings).
Asked high-risk members to avoid attending the Clubhouse in-person, and have provided additional
supports to remain connected, such as increased phone calls and digital outreach.
Implemented daily sanitization schedule in line with WHO and CDC recommendations.
Provided internal guidance for social practitioners to proactively screen members in units and
throughout the Clubhouse to make sure they are staying healthy.
Expanded PROACTIVE reach out calls and coordinated basic supplies (including food and hygiene items,
if necessary) for members so they can self-quarantine safely and effectively.
Required non-social practitioner staff to work from home or limit time in the clubhouse.
Developed necessary protocols and action plans if residences need to be quarantined.
Stopped all official Fountain House travel out of state, and have asked staff to limit personal travel.
Engaged digital tech solutions to create a temporary virtual unit. “Virtual Fountain House” (Facebook,
Slack, conference calls, etc.)
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